Signature Policy
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Signature Authority

The following signature authority guidelines were adopted by the Board of Directors on February 13, 2007.


Financial Authority

All checks over five hundred dollars require two signatures. This normally includes the Airport Director and the Chief Financial Officer (previously known as the Director of Administration and Finance). The airport director is authorized to sign checks up to fifty thousand dollars. Checks over $50,000 require two signatures of which one must be a Board member.

Justification: This is the current procedure established in resolution 01-02.

Contract Authority:

The Airport Director is authorized to sign contracts for professional services or maintenance contracts for up to fifty thousand dollars. This could include items such as maintenance contracts for airport equipment, environmental contracts for professional services, or for specific projects.

Justification: This is a new procedure. FAA Advisory Circulars give the airport the authority to select professional services contractors for up to $100,000 without going through the RFQ process. This will enable the Airport Director to recruit professional services as required for the best interests of the Airport. The limit complies with the established limit of fifty thousand dollar expenditures.

Grant Authority:

The Airport Director is authorized to sign all necessary documents for the preparation and submission of all grants including FAA grants, grants from the Arizona Department of Transportation, Aeronautics division, Economic development organizations, and other organizations as appropriate.

The airport director does not sign grant acceptance documents. Grants are signed by the senior elected official of the public body, in our case, the board president.

Justification: This is the current procedure. The authorization allows the airport director latitude in seeking grant funding and responding quickly if necessary. The limit on grant acceptance documents is to keep the board informed of legal obligations that often accompany grant awards.

PFC Authority

The Airport Director is authorized to complete and submit all Passenger Facility Charges requests, applications and modifications to the FAA, the airlines, the Department of Transportation and other governmental agencies.

Justification: This is the current procedure. The authorization allows the airport director latitude in seeking grant funding and responding quickly if necessary. This authority must be documented according to various government regulations within the PFC program.

Loan Authority

The Airport Director and/or the Chief Financial Officer is authorized to sign loan applications.

The board president is authorized to sign loan obligations.

Justification: This is the current procedure.

Credit Cards

The Airport Director is authorized to manage credit card operations for the airport up to a maximum dollar amount of $30,000.

Justification: This is the current procedure.

Budget Authority

The Airport Director, with the advice of the Chief Financial Officer, is authorized to make adjustments to annual budget line items to accommodate changing conditions. Any changes to budget line items that would result in an overall change to the annual budget must be approved by the Board.

Acceptance of any grant assumes the associated annual budget adjustments are approved.

Justification: This is the current procedure.

Leasing Authority

The Airport Director is authorized to sign lease agreements and amendments up to a dollar limit of $50,000. This includes such things as T-hangars, tie-downs, Miscellaneous Operating Permits (MOPs), rental car agreement extensions, tenant lease amendments, etc.

Justification: This is a new procedure. Currently the Airport Director signs several versions of standard leases. These new requirements keep the board informed of legal obligations that may accompany a major lease but give staff the flexibility to handle routine business.


Financial Authority

The YCAA President, Treasurer or Secretary are required to co-sign expenditures in excess of fifty thousand dollars.

Justification: This is the current procedure under Resolution #01-02.

Safe Deposit Box

The YCAA Executive Officers, Airport Director and Chief Financial Officer are authorized access to the Airport Safe Deposit Box.

Justification: This is the current procedure.

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