
Meeting Minutes for:
August Board Meeting
Yuma International Airport, Conference Room
Tuesday, August 08, 2023 at 04:01 PM

    Call to Order:
    The Yuma County Airport Authority, Inc. (YCAA) Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order at 4:01PM on August 8, 2023, in the Yuma International Airport Conference Room, 2191 E. 32nd Street, Suite 218, Yuma, Arizona 85365. The Presiding officer was Bill Craft, President.

    Bill Craft, President
    Dean Hager, 1st Vice President
    Russell Jones, 2nd Vice President
    Stanley Gourley, Treasurer
    William Fox, Director
    Juan Guzman, Director
    Ken Scott, Director
    Jenny Torres, Director (joined the meeting at 4:02PM)

    Albert Gardner, Director
    Eric Saltzer, Secretary (exited the meeting at 4:03PM)
    Reetika Dhawan, Director

    Gladys Brown, Airport Director
    Gerald Hinkle, Jr., Chief Financial Officer
    Edgar Martinez, Director of Facilities and Maintenance
    Andrea Lopez, Executive Assistant
    Colonel Jared Stone, USMC, Commanding Officer, MCAS Yuma
    Greg McShane, MCAS Operations Officer
    Silvia Gunderman, 1st Bank Yuma
    Ryan Hart, Million Air Yuma

    There were no Public Comments.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2023, Regular Board Meeting. Mr. Jones so moved. Mr. Hager seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Fox
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott

    Votes Opposed: None

    1) Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, introduced and welcomed new MCAS Yuma Commanding Officer, Col Jared K. Stone.

    2) Ms. Brown, the Airport Director explained the new MCAS Yuma Director of Operations, Maj Trevor J. Tingle was unable to attend the meeting. His Bio was provided to the Board of Directors.

    3) Ms. Brown, Airport Director, introduced the new YCAA Maintenance Director, Edgar Martinez.


    1) Elections and Personnel Committee Chair, Reetika Dhawan, will provide a summary on the August 1, 2023, Meeting.

    Due to Ms. Dhawan’s absence Gladys Brown, the Airport Director gave a brief summary of the August 1, 2023, Meeting. She explained there was a completed review of the Airport Director evaluations submitted by individual Board Director, as well as a discussion about the process used to disseminate, collect and archive future evaluations by the YCAA Human Resources personnel. Ms. Brown further described that the Committee had a recommendation for the Board of Directors to consider during executive session as provided in the agenda. Mr. Craft reiterated this committee recommendation will be addressed during the agenda item and possibly in the executive session regarding Ms. Brown’s evaluation.

    1) Discussion and Possible Action to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to accept Bipartisan Infrastructure Law FAA AIP Grant #3-04-0053-0047-2023 in the estimated amount of $1,100,000.00 for the purpose of funding the Replacement of the Existing Flooring System in the Passenger Terminal Building, contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel.

    Ms. Brown, Airport Director explained the Airport has been notified that it has been selected to receive $1.1M from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s (BIL) Airport Terminals Program for the purpose of funding the replacement of twenty-three-year-old passenger terminal flooring with a continuous terrazzo system to address Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) hazards, by removing existing transitions between different flooring types. The nature of this grant is unique since flooring replacement costs are not typically eligible for FAA AIP Grant Funding.

    Ms. Brown briefed the project will involve bringing the flooring design which stands at 90%, to completion, as well as construction of the improvements which includes demolition of an estimated 11,172 square feet of existing flooring and installation of terrazzo throughout the public throughways on the 1st floor of the passenger terminal.

    Ms. Brown informed the Board that the project cost has yet to be established due to a lack of bids received during its initial public bid process. Following FAA guidance, the YCAA extended the bid opening date to August 16, 2023, and expects to receive up to two bids.

    Ms. Brown informed the Board that the estimated cost of the project is $1.2M. Ms. Brown and provided some detail regarding the allocation of costs and funding sources involved which included using PFC funds in the amount of $81,921 remaining from the YCAA’s baggage carousel replacement project, leaving $1,118,079. The BIL grant will reimburse the YCAA 95% or eligible project costs, which based on the cost estimate total $1,062,175 leaving $55,904 as the best estimate of the match required to be met by the YCAA using capital reserves, at least initially.

    Ms. Brown further explained how based on estimates and funding available, it is possible that the YCAA may be required to provide up to an estimated $60,000 toward the cost of improvements which would come from Capital Reserves in FY24 if necessary. Ms. Brown did share with the Board once the bids are received, there may be a special meeting of the Board of Directors to approve the contractor and cost of the project.

    Mr. Craft, YCAA President, called for a motion to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to accept Bipartisan Infrastructure Law FAA AIP Grant #3-04-0053-0047-2023 in the estimated amount of $1.1M for the purpose of funding the Replacement of the Existing Flooring System in the Passenger Terminal Building, contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel. Ms. Torres so moved. Mr. Hager seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Fox
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Ms. Torres

    Votes Opposed: None

    2) Monthly report by Chief Financial Officer on current financial status.

    Mr. Hinkle briefed the Board on our current financial status.

    Colonel Jared Stone, USMC, Commanding Officer, MCAS Yuma provided updates at MCAS Yuma.

    3) Presentation and update regarding current construction projects, associated contracts, grant status, general aviation, marketing efforts, terminal improvements, aviation conferences, meetings, and items of interest with the city and county or other federal or state agencies. This will include, but is not limited to, additional information, FAA and ADOT grant updates, an overview of projects underway, airport operations, Rolle Airfield, airline recruitment and retention efforts, general aviation, future events, and other Airport business.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, provided a presentation on the status of airfield operations to include the runways and taxiways, VirTower Reports for Rolle and NYL, Rent Car update, Brewers restaurant update, Parking Lot update, Big Fan update,, Wash Rack update American Airlines updates along with the load capacities and schedule, Upcoming Air Service Development Conference, SkyDive San Luis update, Potential Development on the DCC update, IGSA update, marketing and community outreach over the past month to include social media.

    4) Discussion and possible action regarding the performance evaluation of the Airport Director. Possible executive session for discussion and/or consideration of the performance evaluation of the Airport Director, and related personnel matters under the provision of A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(1).

    The Airport Director and YCAA President provided information regarding the performance evaluation process as stipulated in the Airport Director’s employment agreement. This evaluation, performed by the Board of Directors as a whole, involves the utilization of an evaluation form. Members of the Board were provided with the Employment Agreement which contains the Airport Director’s job description, and other key elements such as a salary schedule and details about the evaluation process. The YCAA’s Human Resources team prepared a summary of the evaluations received which were provided the Board, as well as the Elections and Personnel Committee’s recommendation regarding possible salary adjustments or supplements for consideration.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to enter executive session for discussion and/or consideration of the performance evaluation of the Airport Director, and related personnel matters under the provision of A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(1). Mr. Gourley so moved; Mr. Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Fox
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Ms. Torres

    Votes Opposed: None

    Mr. Craft excused the Public at 4:41PM so the Board could enter Executive Session.

    The Board began Executive Session at 4:45PM after excusing YCAA staff including Ms. Brown and remained in executive session until 5:15PM.

    The Board reconvened its regular session at 5:16PM.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to approve the direction agreed to in executive session regarding the Airport Director’s retention and financial compensation. Mr. Gourley so moved. Mr. Scott seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Fox
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Ms. Torres

    Votes Opposed: None

    There were no Public Comments.

    There being no further business before the Board the meeting adjourned at 5:17PM.

    // Approved //
    Bill Craft
    President, Yuma County Airport Authority

    Other Board Minutes

    Person IconThu Jul 18, 2024 -- Elections ad Personnel Committee
    Group IconTue Jun 11, 2024 -- June Board
    Person IconTue May 21, 2024 -- Strategic Planning Committee
    Group IconTue May 14, 2024 -- May Board
    Group IconTue Apr 9, 2024 -- April Board
    Group IconTue Mar 12, 2024 -- March Board
    Group IconTue Feb 13, 2024 -- February Board
    Person IconThu Feb 8, 2024 -- Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
    Group IconTue Jan 9, 2024 -- January Board
    Group IconTue Jan 9, 2024 -- Annual Board Meeting 2024
    Group IconTue Dec 12, 2023 -- December Board
    Group IconTue Nov 14, 2023 -- November Board
    Person IconMon Oct 30, 2023 -- Strategic Planning Committee
    Person IconTue Oct 24, 2023 -- Executive Committee
    Group IconTue Oct 10, 2023 -- October Board
    Person IconMon Sep 18, 2023 -- Elections and Personnel Committee
    Group IconTue Sep 12, 2023 -- September Board
    Group IconMon Aug 28, 2023 -- Special Board
    Person IconThu Aug 17, 2023 -- Finance Committee
    Group IconTue Aug 8, 2023 -- August Board
    Person IconTue Aug 1, 2023 -- Elections and Personnel Committee
    Group IconTue Jun 13, 2023 -- June Board
    Person IconWed Jun 7, 2023 -- Strategic Planning Committee
    Group IconTue May 9, 2023 -- May Board
    Person IconFri May 5, 2023 -- Finance Committee
    Group IconTue Apr 11, 2023 -- April Board
    Person IconWed Apr 5, 2023 -- Strategic Planning Committee
    Group IconTue Mar 14, 2023 -- March Board
    Group IconTue Feb 14, 2023 -- February Board
    Person IconWed Feb 8, 2023 -- Finance Committee