
Meeting Minutes for:
March Board Meeting
Yuma International Airport, Conference Room
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 04:00 PM

    Call to Order:
    The Yuma County Airport Authority, Inc. (YCAA) Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order at 4:00PM on March 12, 2024, in the Yuma International Airport Conference Room, 2191 E. 32nd Street, Suite 218, Yuma, Arizona 85365. The Presiding officer was Bill Craft, President.

    Bill Craft, President
    Dean Hager, 1st Vice President
    Russell Jones, 2nd Vice President
    Stanley Gourley, Treasurer
    Juan Guzman, Secretary
    Ken Scott, Director
    Dr. Brian Cullen, Director

    William Fox, Director
    Jenny Torres, Director
    Reetika Dhawan, Director
    Albert Gardner, Director

    Gladys Brown, Airport Director
    Gerald Hinkle, Jr., Chief Financial Officer
    Andrea Lopez, Executive Assistant
    Silvia Gunderman, 1st Bank Yuma
    Ryan Hart, Million Air Yuma

    There were no Public Comments.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2024, Regular Board Meeting. Mr. Hager so moved. Dr. Cullen seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Dr. Cullen

    Votes Opposed: None

    1) Discussion and possible action to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a construction contract with the United States Department of the Army in the amount of $16,203.00 to make repairs to a culvert located on Laguna Dam Road at Yuma Proving Ground, contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, described the Statement of Work (SOW) for this project involves constructing a temporary repair of a collapsed culvert located on Laguna Dam Road at YPG. She went further by describing how the project will simply allow for the proper flow of rainwater through this culvert, until permanent repairs are completed by the Army Corps of Engineers.

    Ms. Brown informed the Board that the revenues generated by managing this project will exceed the cost of the contracted construction work by $2,113.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a construction contract with the United States Department of the Army in the amount of $16,203.00 to make repairs to a culvert located on Laguna Dam Road at Yuma Proving Ground, contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel. Mr. Guzman so moved. Mr. Scott seconded the motion. After some discussion the Motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Dr. Cullen

    Votes Opposed: None

    2) Discussion and possible action to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a construction contract with Gutierrez Canales Engineering, PC in the amount of $14,090.00 for repairs to a culvert located on Laguna Dam Road at Yuma Proving Ground contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, stated this contract will engage GCE to perform the construction work necessary to provide a temporary solution to a deteriorating culvert described in the previous Agenda Item #1.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a construction contract with Gutierrez Canales Engineering, PC in the amount of $14,090.00 for repairs to a culvert located on Laguna Dam Road at Yuma Proving Ground contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel. Mr. Jones so moved. Mr. Gourley seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Dr. Cullen

    Votes Opposed: None

    3) Discussion and possible action to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a construction contract with the United States Department of the Army in an amount estimated at $230,000.00 to replace a Gas Chlorinator System at Yuma Proving Ground, contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, described the Statement of Work (SOW) for this project which involves the replacement of a Chlorine Gaseous System required for drinking water treatment at YPG. The work is intended to improve the safety and efficiency of the water treatment process.

    Ms. Brown informed the Board that the revenues generated by managing this project will exceed the cost of the contracted construction work by $30,000.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a construction contract with the United States Department of the Army in an amount estimated at $230,000.00 to replace a Gas Chlorinator System at Yuma Proving Ground, contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel. Dr. Cullen so moved. Mr. Scott seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Dr. Cullen

    Votes Opposed: None

    4) Discussion and possible action to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a construction contract with Pilkington Contracting Co. in the amount estimated at $200,000.00 to replace a Gas Chlorinator System at Yuma Proving Ground contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, explained this contract will engage Pilkington Contracting Co. (PCC) to perform the work is described in Agenda Item #3 with an estimated completion of June 28, 2024 dependent on award and the deliverable of the gas chlorinator from the vendor.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a construction contract with Pilkington Contracting Co. in the amount estimated at $200,000.00 to replace a Gas Chlorinator System at Yuma Proving Ground contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel Mr. Scott so moved. Mr. Gourley seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Dr. Cullen

    Votes Opposed: None

    5) Discussion and possible action to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a professional services contract with the United States Department of the Army in the amount of $363,978.00 to locate and inventory lead service lines at Yuma Proving Ground, contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, described the Statement of Work (SOW) for this project which involves the completion of a lead service line inventory at YPG as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act, Lead and Copper Rule Revision in 40 CFR 141.84. The objective of the work is to establish an inventory of lead service lines at the installation and prepare a plan for them to be replaced.
    Ms. Brown informed the Board that the revenues generated by managing this project will exceed the cost of the contracted construction work by $47,476.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a professional services contract with the United States Department of the Army in the amount of $363,978.00 to locate and inventory lead service lines at Yuma Proving Ground, contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel. Mr. Hager so moved. Mr. Gourley seconded the motion. After some discussion the Motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Dr. Cullen

    Votes Opposed: None

    6) Discussion and possible action to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a professional services contract with Nicklaus Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $316,572 to locate and inventory lead service lines Yuma Proving Ground contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, explained this contract engages Nicklaus Engineering, Inc. to perform the work work described in Agenda Item #5, which has an estimated completion date of September 30, 2024.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a professional services contract with Nicklaus Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $316,572 to locate and inventory lead service lines at Yuma Proving Ground contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel. Mr. Jones so moved. Mr. Scott seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Dr. Cullen

    Votes Opposed: None

    7) Discussion and possible action to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a construction contract with Pilkington Construction Co. in the amount of $509,738 to renovate all four public restrooms located on the 1st floor of the passenger terminal building contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, explained how the renovation of the restrooms through would be funded through an “Off-Budget” expenditure process of up to $525,000 authorized by the YCAA Board of Directors at the February 2024 regular meeting. This contract will be used to manage the construction of the improvements in accordance with the design as presented. The renovations will coincide with the replacement of the flooring systems.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into a construction contract with Pilkington Construction Co. in the amount of $509,738 to renovate all four public restrooms located on the 1st floor of the passenger terminal building contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel. Mr. Scott so moved. Mr. Jones seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Dr. Cullen

    Votes Opposed: None

    8) Discussion and Possible Action to authorize the YCAA President, the Airport Director, or their designated representative to sign amendments extending the term to March 31, 2029 for of each of our existing concession agreements with Avis Rent a Car System, LLC, Budget Rent a Car System, Inc., The Hertz Corporation, and Enterprise Leasing Company of Phoenix, LLC, for an additional five years, to provide car rental services to the travelling public, contingent upon final review by staff and Airport counsel.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, explained the existing agreements are set to expire on March 31, 2024 and how the proposed Amendment #3 to each of our existing agreements would extend the term to March 31, 2029.

    Ms. Brown described the nature of all four agreements which include the monthly lease of counter space and a concession fee of 10% of all revenues generated, terms that remain the industry standard.

    Ms. Brown stated the existing agreements work, tenants are happy, and revenues are climbing. She also noted that the amendments do contain updates to DBE and Title VI language to meet regulatory requirements.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to authorize the YCAA President, the Airport Director, or their designated representative to sign amendments to the existing concession agreements with Avis, Budget, Hertz and Enterprise to provide car rental services to the travelling public, contingent upon final review by staff and airport counsel. Mr. Gourley so moved. Mr. Guzman seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Dr. Cullen

    Votes Opposed: None

    9) Discussion and Possible Action to authorize the YCAA President, the Airport Director, or their designated representative to sign an amendment to the existing Rental Car Maintenance Service Center facility lease with The Hertz Corporation extending the term to March 31, 2029, contingent upon final review by Staff and Airport counsel.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, explained how Hertz currently leases the 2,300 square foot facility located on the East end of the passenger terminal parking through an existing facility lease agreement that is set to expire in March 2024, which coincides with its concession agreement.

    The proposed lease is our standard facility lease, which continues their monthly rent with 3% annual increases as has become standard practice to ensure economic viability.

    Ms. Brown described the financial terms of the lease which will begin with a monthly lease rate of $6,573.61, which is $78,883.82 annually, followed by 3% annual increases. The proposed agreement will generate $418,802.55 in lease revenues over the five-year period.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to authorize the YCAA President, the Airport Director, or their designated representative to sign an amendment to the existing Rental Car Maintenance Service Center facility lease with The Hertz Corporation extending the term to March 31, 2029, contingent upon final review by Staff and Airport counsel. Mr. Jones so moved. Mr. Hager seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Dr. Cullen

    Votes Opposed: None

    10) Monthly report by Chief Financial Officer on current financial status.

    Mr. Hinkle, Chief Financial Officer, briefed the Board on our current financial status. Mr. Hinkle also provided an update on operations by the airport’s Rent Car Agencies, Airport’s Parking Lot and Brewers restaurant.

    There was no Military Liaison in attendance.

    11) Presentation and update regarding current construction projects, associated contracts, grant status, general aviation, marketing efforts, terminal improvements, aviation conferences, meetings, and items of interest with the city and county or other federal or state agencies. This will include, but is not limited to, additional information, FAA and ADOT grant updates, an overview of projects underway, airport operations, Rolle Airfield, airline recruitment and retention efforts, general aviation, future events, and other Airport business.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, provided a presentation on Irrigation System Repairs update, New Signage update, continued Painting update, American Airlines load capacities update, marketing and community outreach over the past month to include social media.

    Ms. Brown also updated the Board on the YCAA’s request for an offer from 1st Bank Yuma for an revolving ling of credit in the amount of $1.5 Million to replace the ADOT Grant Based Line of Credit which has limited availability due to its terms and has not had activity in several years. The President reiterated the Finance Committee’s support for these actions which will be presented at the April meeting for consideration.

    There were no Public Comments.

    There being no further business before the Board the meeting adjourned at 4:46PM.

    // Approved //
    Juan Guzman
    Secretary, Yuma County Airport Authority; Public Relations Committee Chairman

    Other Board Minutes

    Person IconThu Jul 18, 2024 -- Elections ad Personnel Committee
    Group IconTue Jun 11, 2024 -- June Board
    Person IconTue May 21, 2024 -- Strategic Planning Committee
    Group IconTue May 14, 2024 -- May Board
    Group IconTue Apr 9, 2024 -- April Board
    Group IconTue Mar 12, 2024 -- March Board
    Group IconTue Feb 13, 2024 -- February Board
    Person IconThu Feb 8, 2024 -- Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
    Group IconTue Jan 9, 2024 -- January Board
    Group IconTue Jan 9, 2024 -- Annual Board Meeting 2024
    Group IconTue Dec 12, 2023 -- December Board
    Group IconTue Nov 14, 2023 -- November Board
    Person IconMon Oct 30, 2023 -- Strategic Planning Committee
    Person IconTue Oct 24, 2023 -- Executive Committee
    Group IconTue Oct 10, 2023 -- October Board
    Person IconMon Sep 18, 2023 -- Elections and Personnel Committee
    Group IconTue Sep 12, 2023 -- September Board
    Group IconMon Aug 28, 2023 -- Special Board
    Person IconThu Aug 17, 2023 -- Finance Committee
    Group IconTue Aug 8, 2023 -- August Board
    Person IconTue Aug 1, 2023 -- Elections and Personnel Committee
    Group IconTue Jun 13, 2023 -- June Board
    Person IconWed Jun 7, 2023 -- Strategic Planning Committee
    Group IconTue May 9, 2023 -- May Board
    Person IconFri May 5, 2023 -- Finance Committee
    Group IconTue Apr 11, 2023 -- April Board
    Person IconWed Apr 5, 2023 -- Strategic Planning Committee
    Group IconTue Mar 14, 2023 -- March Board
    Group IconTue Feb 14, 2023 -- February Board
    Person IconWed Feb 8, 2023 -- Finance Committee