
Meeting Minutes for:
November Board Meeting
Yuma International Airport, Conference Room
Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 04:00 PM

    Call to Order:
    The Yuma County Airport Authority, Inc. (YCAA) Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order at 4:00PM on November 14, 2023, in the Yuma International Airport Conference Room, 2191 E. 32nd Street, Suite 218, Yuma, Arizona 85365. The Presiding officer was Bill Craft, President.

    Bill Craft, President
    Dean Hager, 1st Vice President
    Russell Jones, 2nd Vice President
    Stanley Gourley, Treasurer
    Eric Saltzer, Secretary
    Reetika Dhawan, Director
    William Fox, Director
    Juan Guzman, Director
    Jenny Torres, Director

    Albert Gardner, Director
    Ken Scott, Director

    Gladys Brown, Airport Director
    Andrea Lopez, Executive Assistant
    Greg McShane, MCAS Operations Officer
    Silvia Gunderman, 1st Bank Yuma
    Ryan Hart, Million Air Yuma

    There were no Public Comments.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to approve the minutes of the October 10, 2023, Regular Board Meeting. Mr. Guzman so moved. Mr. Hager seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Saltzer
    Ms. Dhawan
    Mr. Fox
    Mr. Guzman
    Ms. Torres

    Votes Opposed: None

    1) Executive Committee Chair, Bill Craft, will provide a summary on the October 24, 2023, Meeting.

    Mr. Craft provided a summary on the October 24, 2023, meeting.

    2) Strategic Planning Committee Chair, Russ Jones, will provide a summary on the October 30, 2023, Meeting.

    Mr. Jones provided a summary on the October 30, 2023, meeting.


    1) Discussion and possible action regarding updating the Yuma County Airport Authority’s Bylaws.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, explained Legal Counsel has carefully reviewed the YCAA’s operations, both currently and as proposed, to ensure the Bylaws support activities undertaken and proposed by the YCAA and has provided a recommendation for the Board of Directors to consider amending these foundational documents to ensure they represent the purpose of the YCAA.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, presented amended language recommended by legal counsel for consideration.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to update the Airport Authority’s Bylaws as presented. Mr. Jones so moved. Mr. Gourley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Saltzer
    Ms. Dhawan
    Mr. Fox
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Ms. Torres

    Votes Opposed: None

    2) Discussion and possible action regarding updating the Yuma County Airport Authority’s Articles of Incorporation.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, explained Legal Counsel has carefully reviewed the YCAA’s operations, both currently and as proposed, to ensure the Articles of Incorporation support activities undertaken and proposed by the YCAA and has provided a recommendation for the Board of Directors to consider amending these foundational documents to ensure they represent the purpose of the YCAA.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, presented amended language recommended by legal counsel for consideration.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to update the Airport Authority’s Articles of Incorporation as presented. Mr. Hager so moved. Ms. Torres seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Saltzer
    Ms. Dhawan
    Mr. Fox
    Mr. Guzman
    Ms. Torres

    Votes Opposed: None

    3) Discussion and Possible Action to elect candidates for the vacant seats on the YCAA Board of Directors in accordance with YCAA By-Laws.

    Since there are three available positions on the Board and there were only three candidates, Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, suggested that the Board of Directors take action to elect each of the three by proclamation. Mr. Jones so moved. Mr. Gourley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Saltzer
    Ms. Dhawan
    Mr. Fox
    Mr. Guzman
    Ms. Torres

    Votes Opposed: None

    Dr. Brian Cullen, Ms. Jenny Torres and Mr. William Fox were so elected.

    4) Discussion and possible action regarding a potential Intergovernmental Service Agreement (IGSA) with Yuma Proving Ground (YPG) for the purpose of managing construction projects at the installation based on our expertise and management availability.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, explained officials from YPG have approached the YCAA seeking assistance with the rehabilitation of one of their runways to include but not limited to electrical work, facility improvements, grading and paving projects. YPG has provided construction documents including the design and scope of work for the project hoping that the YCAA can utilize its vast experience in managing these types of projects by entering into an Intergovernmental Service Agreement (IGSA) which would place the YCAA in the position of performing the work through subcontracts with the opportunity to receive up to 15% management fee (this is project dependent). YPG believes that the arrangement will save them money and most importantly time in getting projects completed. The proposed language of the IGSA has been provided and has undergone legal review.

    The IGSA is an overview of the relationship between the parties and a road map as to how the process will proceed. Entering into the IGSA does not actually commit the YCAA to performing any work. Individual project-based “Transaction Orders” (TO’s) take the form of a construction contract being utilized. The TO’s will include the scope of work, detailed plans, requirements and agreed upon cost to complete, and would be presented to the YCAA Board of Directors for approval, along with the related subcontracts with local contractors. The proposed IGSA contains language regarding prompt payment and an “off-ramp” which provides the YCAA an opportunity to step away from the agreement in the case of slow payment or payment amount disputes.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into the proposed Contract and License Agreement, contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel. Mr. Jones so moved. Mr. Gourley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Saltzer
    Ms. Dhawan
    Mr. Fox
    Mr. Guzman
    Mr. Scott
    Ms. Torres

    Votes Opposed: None

    5) Discussion and possible action regarding a proposed fifty (50) year Contract and License agreement between the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management and the Yuma County Airport Authority, Inc. for 640 acres of land located in San Luis, Arizona commonly known as Rolle Airfield Airport.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, reported the YCAA has received proposed language for a Contract and License Agreement between the BOR and the YCAA which would allow the YCAA to operate Rolle Airfield for a term of 50 years. The proposed language received in late September reflects YCAA’s suggested edits to an earlier version that was necessary to ensure the agreement provided a framework for the operation of Rolle Airfield Airport. A review of this latest version is underway by legal counsel and BOR seems agreeable to a limited edit that remains to reach an agreement that will work for all parties involved. It was mentioned that we may have an agreement in place by the end of 2023 which would make Rolle Airfield eligible for Arizona Department of Transportation – Aeronautics Division capital improvement and airfield maintenance grants in the future.

    Mr. Craft, the YCAA President, called for a motion to authorize the YCAA President, Airport Director or their designated representative to sign all necessary documents to enter into the proposed Contract and License Agreement, contingent upon final review and approval by Airport Staff and Airport Legal Counsel. Mr. Gourley so moved. Mr. Hager seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

    Votes in Favor:
    Mr. Craft
    Mr. Hager
    Mr. Jones
    Mr. Gourley
    Mr. Saltzer
    Ms. Dhawan
    Mr. Fox
    Mr. Guzman
    Ms. Torres

    Votes Opposed: None

    6) Monthly report by the Airport Director on current financial status.

    In Mr. Hinkle’s absence, Ms. Brown, the Airport Director briefed the Board on our current financial status.

    Greg McShane, MCAS Operations Officer, MCAS Yuma provided updates at MCAS Yuma.

    7) Presentation and update regarding current construction projects, associated contracts, grant status, general aviation, marketing efforts, terminal improvements, aviation conferences, meetings, and items of interest with the city and county or other federal or state agencies. This will include, but is not limited to, additional information, FAA and ADOT grant updates, an overview of projects underway, airport operations, Rolle Airfield, airline recruitment and retention efforts, general aviation, future events, and other Airport business.

    Ms. Brown, the Airport Director, provided a presentation on the status of airfield operations to include the runways and taxiways, VirTower Reports for Rolle and NYL, Rent Car update, Brewers restaurant update, Parking Lot update, Airport Terminal front bench update, Sterile Area blue trimming removal update, New Pedestrian Delineator update, American Airlines updates along with the load capacities and schedule, what we need to build Airline interest update, marketing and community outreach over the past month to include social media.

    There were no Public Comments.

    There being no further business before the Board the meeting adjourned at 4:53PM.

    // Approved //
    Eric Saltzer
    Secretary, Yuma County Airport Authority; Public Relations Committee Chairman

    Other Board Minutes

    Person IconWed Oct 16, 2024 -- Elections and Personnel Committee
    Group IconTue Oct 8, 2024 -- October Board
    Person IconMon Oct 7, 2024 -- Finance Committee
    Group IconTue Sep 10, 2024 -- September Board
    Group IconTue Aug 13, 2024 -- August Board
    Person IconTue Aug 6, 2024 -- Finance Committee
    Person IconThu Jul 18, 2024 -- Elections ad Personnel Committee
    Group IconTue Jun 11, 2024 -- June Board
    Person IconTue May 21, 2024 -- Strategic Planning Committee
    Group IconTue May 14, 2024 -- May Board
    Group IconTue Apr 9, 2024 -- April Board
    Group IconTue Mar 12, 2024 -- March Board
    Group IconTue Feb 13, 2024 -- February Board
    Person IconThu Feb 8, 2024 -- Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
    Group IconTue Jan 9, 2024 -- January Board
    Group IconTue Jan 9, 2024 -- Annual Board Meeting 2024
    Group IconTue Dec 12, 2023 -- December Board
    Group IconTue Nov 14, 2023 -- November Board
    Person IconMon Oct 30, 2023 -- Strategic Planning Committee
    Person IconTue Oct 24, 2023 -- Executive Committee
    Group IconTue Oct 10, 2023 -- October Board
    Person IconMon Sep 18, 2023 -- Elections and Personnel Committee
    Group IconTue Sep 12, 2023 -- September Board
    Group IconMon Aug 28, 2023 -- Special Board
    Person IconThu Aug 17, 2023 -- Finance Committee
    Group IconTue Aug 8, 2023 -- August Board
    Person IconTue Aug 1, 2023 -- Elections and Personnel Committee
    Group IconTue Jun 13, 2023 -- June Board
    Person IconWed Jun 7, 2023 -- Strategic Planning Committee
    Group IconTue May 9, 2023 -- May Board